Monday, 11 January 2016

Bout of Books 15 Wrap Up


Another Bout of Books draws to a close. I always get a little sad. I have to admit, I'm a pretty casual readathon participant, but it's still nice knowing that other people are out there making reading a priority this week.

And wow, I've been lucky to have read some amazing stuff this week. Let's break it down.

My Goals:
  • Read at least three books  
  • Schedule reviews of books read
  • Read every day 
  • Visit and comment on other blogs!
  • Participate in at least one of the Twitter chats
Haha, fail.

I have a really difficult time reviewing books I enjoy a lot, so I haven't yet managed to form coherent thoughts about most of my reads. I did schedule a rather scathing review for Moth, which I alluded to in my daily updates.

My life was ridiculously busy this week--trying to get into the back-to-school routine. So I didn't prioritize visiting other blogs like I should've. And both Twitter chats ended up taking place when I was otherwise indisposed (once during board games night and the other while I was still in bed).

Oh well. I'm not too upset about the whole thing, because the reading more than made up for it.


Their Fractured Light was an incredible conclusion to the series. It was so stressful at times I had to physically set the book down and yell a little before I could continue reading. I gave it 5 stars.

Everything I Never Told You I picked up on a whim at our school library and had a really hard time putting down. It was an incredible story about love and loss and I'd like to try and put my thoughts together for a real review. I gave it 4.5 stars.

Moth was the ebook I'd been slowly flipping through since mid year last year. And I finally gave up and just finished it. There was nothing this book could've done by the end that would've improved things for me--save being written by a different author. It was terrible and I gave it 1 star.

I'm currently halfway through A Natural History of Dragons as well, having picked it up Sunday morning. You guys, it is absolutely delightful. I am loving every second of it. If you like fantasy-of-manners ala Gail Carriger's Soulless, I think you'd really enjoy this one too!

And that's it, that's all! I'm really impressed by the books I've been picking up so far this year (Moth notwithstanding). So it's shaping up to be a great reading year! 

How did your Bout of Books go? Feel free to link me to your wrap ups and let's chat in the comments!