When I was contemplating whether of not to make this post I thought, "Oh, I didn't buy that many books in May. It probably won't be worth it." And then I inspected my bookshelf. Oops.
To be fair, it was only in the last week that I acquired all these books (that actually doesn't make it that much better.) I placed a Book Outlet order earlier and finally picked up a package of 5 books. And then my local library had their semi-annual discard book sale. And well. I paid like $12 for that whole haul, I can't really bring myself to be upset.
Except man, I'm running out of room on my bookshelf again. It's a good thing #RYBSAT (Read Your Book Shelf A Thon) is happening again this month. I'm going to need it.
On to the books! (Clicking the cover should take you to the Goodreads page.)
Book Outlet
Already Read
I read the whole trilogy in April and loved it. So when I saw the first two books on discount, I knew I had to get them!
TBR Pile
Three books that have been on my TBR list on Goodreads for a while. And again, I can't resist discount prices.
Library Discard Book Sale
TBR Pile
I feel like the poetry anthology requires some explanation. But really, the only explanation is that I want to start reading more poetry.
The other 3 books are ones that I recognized by sight, which is sort of how I approach the library discard book sale. There are just so many books all crammed together that I have to resort to scanning the rows for something that I recognize. Anyway, we'll see! I'm excited about them all though.
Classroom Library
So, as I may have mentioned before, I teach middle school. These days, that means grade 8 mostly. And even though I'm not an English teacher, I still like having a little classroom library. So one of my shelves in my room is dedicated for that purpose. My students can sign out a book from me if they wish, or just peruse one during downtime in class.
So these four picks went straight to the classroom library.
That said, I'll probably read them at some point (I tried Daniel X before and just could not get into it), but in the meantime, hopefully they'll get to entertain my students.
And thus ends my May book haul. Have you read any of these? Let me know and we can chat in the comments!
I really need to get cracking on my bookshelf reading in June!