Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, featuring a new category every week!
This week's topic is Top 10 books you almost put down, but didn't!
I don't really have 10 for this one, so I'm going to like 5+5... you'll see what I mean in a second.
5 Books I Almost Put Down, But Didn't!

Written in Red (The Others #1) by Anne Bishop
About 50 pages in I just didn't know what I thought of this one. I was considering dropping it, but I decided to give it another 50 pages to change my mind. And boy did it ever. Once things got rolling I started getting really attached. I found myself wondering what the characters were up to when I wasn't reading.
The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds #1) by Alexandra Bracken
Again, another slow starter for me. I was maybe 70 pages into this one and couldn't understand all the hype and praise. And then Ruby escapes and things take off and I never looked back. Book 3, In the Afterlight, is one of my most anticipated books of the year!
The Crown of Embers (Fire and Thorns #2) by Rae Carson
I had desperately rushed off to the library to get this and book 3 in the trilogy before I was finished book 1. But then book 1 sort of tied everything up. And I wasn't sure, even after starting the first few chapters, if I wanted to read it immediately. But again, I got swept up and then couldn't put it down!

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
I read this a long time ago. Back before I'd really rediscovered my love for reading. It took me several months to get through Good Omens, which is ridiculous, because I love this book. But I wasn't always in a reading mood back then, so I was constantly having to come back to it.
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
I swear, it's totally an accident that this is the second Gaiman book. And guys, this book is amazing. But it is so dense. I had a hard time with it because it turned into quite a slog. It was worth it, definitely, but that doesn't mean I didn't consider putting it down from time to time.
5 Books I Put Down, But I Want To Pick Up Again
Does that title even make sense?

I read the first chapter-ish of this one and put it down. Not because it wasn't good, because it was, but because I had something else on my shelf that I wanted to read instead. And I don't juggle more than one book at a time. And then I just never came back. I want to read this soon though.
Evil Genius (Evil Genius #1) by Catherine Jinks
Another one I started and then put down in favour of something else. The beginning was interesting, but it just wasn't captivating. I'd like to give it another try sometime though. But it's not super high priority.
Sabriel (Abhorsen #1) by Garth Nix
I started the first chapter of this one night, but it was a little more involved than I was expecting. I really liked how it started, though, and I bought the whole trilogy from BookOutlet this year (because hello, those covers are gorgeous). And since I just had a lot of success marathoning a trilogy, I'm really tempted to do the same with this series soon.
The Assassin's Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1) by Robin Hobb
I read the first few pages of this and then set it aside because it was a little more dense than I'd anticipated. But I really do genuinely enjoy fantasy series, so I'm eager to pick this one up again.
The Name of the Wind (Kingkiller Chronicle #1) by Patrick Rothfuss
I really enjoyed the first handful of pages that I read of this. But I think I picked this up not long after I'd fought with American Gods. And I didn't want a repeat of that struggle. So I decided to put it aside until I was ready to make the commitment. I think this summer I'll try again.
What do you think? Have you read any of these books? What makes you put down a book (or not!)? Let's chat in the comments!