The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
I participated in Bout of Books 9.0 in January and had a blast. So I knew right away that I'd be signing up for this round! This is my sign up/goals/updates post, so check this space as next week progresses!
My Goals
- Read 3-4 books
- Read every day
- Queue reviews for books completed
- Participate in a few challenges
- Participate in at least one Twitter chat
Probable reads:

Updates after the jump!
Monday, May 12
Pages read: 227
Complete?: None
Thoughts: Accidentally read all of Midwinterblood the weekend before the readathon! So, I devoured about 60% of 172 Hours on the Moon tonight instead. I'm digging it so far.
Tuesday, May 13
Pages read: 216
Complete?: 1! (172 Hours on the Moon)
Thoughts: Finished the last 140 pages of 172 Hours. I sort of have mixed feelings about it? I did a +/- and will be composing a review soon (tomorrow, hopefully). Then I picked up Unspoken. It's quirky, but I like it so far.
Wednesday, May 14
Pages read: 56
Complete?: 1
Thoughts: Managed to sneak in to the Twitter chat tonight, which was great! But that plus hanging out with my sister this afternoon meant I only ready for a little over half an hour tonight. Oh well! Unspoken is making me laugh out loud in places, though, so I can't wait to keep reading it!
Thursday, May 15
Pages read: 269
Complete?: 2! (172 Hours & Unspoken)
Thoughts: Accidentally stayed up later than I'd planned and finished Unspoken. Ultimately, I'm a little torn about this one too (I rated it 3 stars on Goodreads) but I did like it. I'll try to parse out my thoughts and feelings in an actual review tomorrow.
Friday, May 16
Pages read: 225
Complete?: 2
Thoughts: I took an unplanned trip to the library with my sister on Wednesday and ended up signing out books 2 & 3 of the Under the Never Sky trilogy. And since I already owned book 1 I decided to start that today with the hopes of marathoning the series. Oops, that wasn't on my TBR, sorry not sorry!
Saturday, May 17
Pages read: 164
Complete?: 3! (172 Hours, Unspoken & Under the Never Sky)
Thoughts: I finished up the last 40% of Under the Never Sky tonight and read the first two chapters of the sequel Through the Ever Night. I'm actually really enjoying the series! That's a nice change after some lukewarm reads thus far. Oh, and I queued my review of 172 Hours on the Moon finally! Yay, productivity.
Sunday, May 18
Pages read: 222
Complete?: 3
Thoughts: Am closing in on 70% done Through the Ever Night... which I could probably finish if I didn't want to go to bed before midnight. Oh well! It'll be an easy finish tomorrow. I'm sad the readathon is over though!