Monday, 15 February 2016

Rainbowthon Wrap Up

I deviated from my TBR slightly--because of another inter-library loan, if you can believe it--but what else is new! Still. I did a good job.

1. Arrow's Flight (Heralds of Valdemar #2) by Mercedes Lackey
This one was a bit slower going than my experience with book 1, but I still did enjoy it. It's definitely a set-up for a big final showdown in book 3, which is shaping up to be really interesting. But beyond that I really loved the casual inclusion of queer relationships and threesomes (yes really!). 3.5 stars.

2. Court of Fives (Court of Fives #2) by Kate Elliott
Really fun, Elliott didn't disappoint. Some seriously high stakes in this one! And a really swoon-worthy boy! This just confirms that I really need to read her Spiritwalker trilogy ASAP. (I've had it on my shelf for ages.) 4 stars.

3. Captive Prince (Captive Prince #1) by C.S. Pacat
Here's the deviation due to library. But I regret nothing. Still, I'm not totally enamoured with this yet. But I am really intrigued to see where this is going to go--and I put book 2 on hold immediately. 3 stars.

4. Honor's Knight (Paradox #2) by Rachel Bach
Okay, I'm only like 50 pages into this one, but still! I have done almost nothing but holler, "WTF!" at this book since I picked it up. Interspersed by the occasion, "Oh, this is not going to end well." I absolutely cannot wait to see what happens in this one!

And that's it! Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

Have you read any of these? What did you read this week? Let's chat in the comments!