Friday, 17 January 2014

Friday Faves || Favourite Covers

Oops. Sorry this is a little late! This week got away from me.

Friday Faves is a feature I'm trying to run weekly because I love it when people get to talk about the things they love! You can check out previous and future topics here.

This week's theme is Favourite Covers.

And yeah, we can throw in the "don't judge a book by it's cover" in here. But you have to admit that sometimes there are covers that are just so lovely. I may or may not have created a wishlist at Book Depository just so I could moon over the pretty covers of books I may or may not buy someday.

I'm not really going to explain my choices much, because I feel like the rest of the text would just be me oohing and ahhing and there's only so many variations of that you can stand before getting bored. Some of these books I have actually read, but some are definitely on this list just because I think they're stunning.

So, without further ado!