Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor
Three tales of supernatural love, each pivoting on a kiss that is no mere kiss, but an action with profound consequences for the kissers' souls.
Shut down everything. Why did I have to read this book before the end of 2013? I feel like I need to completely upset my Top 10 list now. (Which is not going to happen because I am much too lazy, but definitely let me add this book to the list anyway!)
Holy smokes, you guys.
Okay, I feel like a tiny bit of preamble is necessary here before we continue. For the past two Christmases, I have been taking a Laini Taylor book home with me from the library at school. Two years ago it was Daughter of Smoke & Bone and last year, of course, it was Days of Blood & Starlight. So imagine my horror and dismay when I realized that Dreams of Gods & Monsters would not be coming out until April.
I've really enjoyed the series thus far (see my book 1 review here, my book 2 review is just incoherent shrieking) and was super disappointed that I wasn't going to be able to continue my mostly unintentional Christmas tradition this year.
Thankfully, our school library had Lips Touch and I thought, "Oh well, it's the same kind of idea right? At least I'll be reading a Laini Taylor book at Christmas."
And guys, I read this in one day. Three sittings, one for each story, not even an hour each (except possibly the last one, since it was considerably longer).
I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled I am by this book. Taylor's writing is just so magical. Wonderful. Her prose flows and you grow attached to her characters in no time. She deftly winds the supernatural and paranormal into all three of these short stories beautifully. So much so that it's not too much of a stretch to imagine her worlds being our world.
And oh my those illustrations. They are just so gorgeous. They're little wordless prequels to each story and managed to completely intrigue me each time. I found myself going back after reading each short to look at the illustrations again, now that I fully understood them. What an overall experience. It was such a pleasure.
Overall, I think the second story Spicy Little Curses was my favourite, if only because I adored the mythology and was not expecting that ending. (Seriously! Read it and tell me you saw that coming.) But I am so head over heels for Hatchling as well--and that is definitely because of the worldbuilding. Swoons. Not to say I didn't love Goblin Fruit as well, because I totally did. But it's also definitely only the appetizer into this feast of a book.
I'm must be getting carried away if I'm metaphoring... That should go to show you how delightful this book was. I cannot recommend it enough!
★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars) Highly recommended!
I've only read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and completely loved it! It writing style is amazing. I haven't heard of this one, but I hope to pick up the rest of her books very soon.
I loved Daughter of Smoke & Bone, but thought Days of Blood & Starlight was even better! And this book was just incredible as well. You won't be disappointed!